Post by twotone on May 27, 2011 17:14:23 GMT -5
ah okay figures ^^ might need an angst pup of my own and I got a name and backstory for him already
Post by Nemo on May 27, 2011 19:15:58 GMT -5
Hmm.. but now i'm tempted to make some Moopig kids
Post by twotone on May 27, 2011 19:22:06 GMT -5
moopig? Ooh this sounds interesting
Post by Kitexa on May 27, 2011 19:45:29 GMT -5
Oookay my turn to list my lovechildren....
This is gonna take a while XD;;;;
101 Dalmatians:
LuckyxRebecca: Eros (M) Cupid (F) Belle (F)--adopted from Mizan
BusterxTwo-Tone: Juliette (F) Splice (M) Beck (F)
TripodxCadpig: Kickstand (M)
RollyxDanielle: Fritter (F) Chip (M) Toffee (F) Candy (F) Mavericke (M)
LuckyxTwo-Tone: Danae (F)
Jewelx"Fang": Julius (M)
JewelxWizzer: Dewdrop (F)--designed by Mizan
MoochxCollette: Monique (F)
PatchxAngel: Thunder Flash (F)--Co-owned with Angel Ace (M)--Co-owned with Angel
SpotxFitz: Ottie (M)
DipstickxRebecca: Pintura (F)
LuckyxTwo-Tone (Non-angst): Stella (F) Luna (F)
RollyxRebecca: Pudge (F) Fudge (M)
PatchxRebecca: Unnamed female
Next gen pups with unnamed parents: Unnamed parents: Abby (F) Orion (M) Dime (M) Millie (F)
Lion King
KiaraxKovu: Upendi (F) Kuwasha (M) Upendi (DWoW--F) Ushindi (DWoW--M)
VitanixJasiri: Faragha (F) Kivuli (M) Safi (F)
VitanixNuka: Chesi (F) Pasi (M) Kichaa (F)
NukaxDotty: Harufu (F) Viza (M)
Chumvixlioness: Tope (F)
Afuaxlioness Laina (F)
SimbaxNala: Chaka (my version)
UpendixMosi: Mrithi (M)--a third generation character but my fave...so here he is.
Unnamed parents: Haramu (cheeta cub)
I also have my own versions of Babu, Boga, Afua, and co but they're already sub-canon (unlike Chaka, who didn't make it past concept art), so they don't count.
Kingdom Hearts
NaminexZexion: Xai (F)
Also have a SoKai daughter, a Rikux? son, two Larxel children....and at one point, an AxelKairi daughter, but they're only concepts right now.
Also, Meihane was Sora AND Riku's granddaughter at one point, but I think I'm gonna change that.
Kimba the White Lion
Lunex?: Yuki (F)
Lukiox?: Taiyo (M)
And Kei and Shin....who don't have parents right now.
Also had a son of Claw at one point, but I can't remember his name.
Sonic the Hedgehog
EliasxMeg: Nealan Acorn (M)
TailsxMina: Jenny Prower (F)
KnucklesxSally: Juliette Acorn (F)
TailsxAmy: Unnamed daughter
Danny Phantom
DannyxSam: Jake Fenton (M) Nate Fenton (M)
TuckerxEmber: Amber Foley (F) I also designed a brother for her once just for fun.
DanxDani: Emi Phantom (F)
Johnny13xKitty: Alex 13 (M)
DannyxDani: Diane Fenton (F)
TechnusxDesiree: Byte (F) Circuit (F)
KwanxValerie: Abby (F) Tony (M)
YoungbloodxDani: Johnny (M)
Johnny13xSam: Max 13 (M) Cassandra 13 (F)
Fairly Odd Parents
TimmyxVicky: Rebecca Turner (F) Andy Turner (M)
NarutoxHinata: Keishi Uzumaki (M)
SasukexSakura: Daisuke Uchiha (M) Hana Uchiha (F)
LeexTenten: Yu-Su (F) Ikusa (M)
KibaxIno: Mokushi (M) Tamaki (M)
NejixHikari: Takara Hyuuga
ShikamaruxTemari: Atae Nara (F) Komakai Nara (F)
HanabixKonohamaru: Ken Sarutobi Jr. (M)
Itachix?: Nawashi Uchiha
NarutoxIno: Koyuki Uzumaki (F) Kitagi Uzumaki (M) Liya Uzumaki (F)
NejixSakura: Houku Hyuuga (F) Hikaru Hyuuga (F)
GaaraxTenten: Kumori no Sabaku (F) Sabure no Sabaku (M)
SasukexHinata: Haruhi Uchiha (F) Keishi Uchiha (M)
Kabuto HyuugaxSakura no Oto: Kitaki (M) Adauchi (F)
Others: Kiten Ushiro Shinsei Sirori
King Vegetaxhis wife: Eitaka (F)
TrunksxPan: Soshinkyu Briefs (F) Ichi (M) Futatsu (M)
BraxPete/Zod/irish kid from that one episode: Marron (F) Megumi (M)
GotenxValese/Parasu: Son Gozun (M) Son Gohauk (M) Son Chich (F)
PiccoloxEitaka: Shenlong (M)
Majuubx?: Nijam (M)
KrillinxAndriod 18: Android 21 (real name unknown)
Zinc (Goku's youngest brother)x?: Zank (M)
TenshinhanxLunch: Azula (F) Tienhan (M)
Others worth mentioning: Yanka (F--Yamcha's granddaughter) Matsuro (M--father of Goku and Vegeta jr) Also have two unnamed children for Goku Jr--one boy, one girl--and one son for Vegeta Jr.
JanitorxLady: Nigel Matthews (M) Gloria Matthews (F)
TurkxCarla: Carl Turk (M)
ElliotxJD: Hannah Dorian (M)
JDxDenise: Joanna Dorian (F)
Also have my own versions of Sam, Jack, Jennifer Dylan and Izzy.
Alice in Wonderland (2010)
AlicexMad Hatter: Charlotte Hightopp (F)
Red QueenxStayne: Claudius Stayne (M)
Also had two kids for Mallyumpkin and the Chesire cat but I can't remember their names.
Other crossovers
ScampxVitani: Faraji
CoralinexDanny Phantom: Ariel Fenton
Characters that exist 100 years later or more
Uotani Uchiha (F) Hebisuken Haruno (M) Zarigani Uchiha (M) Isuzu Uchiha (F) Maguro Uchiha (M) Ika and Tako Uchiha (M and M) Shinseii Hyuuga (F) Keikirekiseki Hyuuga (M) and a LOT more I can't remember
Goku (M) Pan (F) Bulma (F) Trunks (M) Piccolo (M) They have already familiar names but they're not the same characters.
Post by Angel on May 28, 2011 0:47:10 GMT -5
Oh, that reminds me, I have three 100-years-later Dalmatians offspring as well, but I haven't found names for them yet ^^"
Post by twotone on May 29, 2011 0:44:40 GMT -5
Hmm I can help with the Two-Tone one if I can offer a backstory of his/her lineage but you probably wouldn't want it since it has to do with Lucktone and your future universe is Luckbecca.
Post by Angel on May 29, 2011 1:14:29 GMT -5
Well, in my AU, Lucky vanishes while he's still a pup, so there's no way the Two-Tone descendent could be his as well ^^"
I am curious, though - if Lucky did vanish like that, who do you think Tones would mate with instead?
Post by twotone on May 29, 2011 2:31:41 GMT -5
hmm, given the limited choices I'd probably pick Patch. Since Tripod would be with Cadpig
Post by Kitexa on May 29, 2011 11:38:29 GMT -5
Not Mooch?
Not startin' a fight but isn't she in his gang?
Well that's okay. I'd be curious to see that TwotonexPatch pups would look like!
And yay for Tripig c:
Post by twotone on May 30, 2011 2:22:40 GMT -5
true but Patch was the first to come to mind.
Post by Paws on May 30, 2011 9:36:58 GMT -5
That would STILL be incest though... Just saying. I think the descendent would be a MoochTone pup. But that's just me being me. Hm...gah, it's really kind of hard to find someone when you're trying not to do incest (I say that because I almost rattled off WizzerXTwo-Tone but then I remembered ^^ Maybe I could make her someone for this? Would you like that?
Post by Angel on May 30, 2011 11:42:07 GMT -5
It doesn't really matter to me, as the focus is on 100-years-later, I was just curious as to who TT would pair her with under the circumstances that Lucky wasn't an option. I would be interested to see who you came up with, though, since - at least in my AU - Tones' descendent is still a pure-bred dal.
Post by Blaze on May 30, 2011 12:56:01 GMT -5
kk, here's mine. 101 DalmatiansLuckyxTwo-Tone: Dash (M) Emerald (F) PatchxRebecca: Torin (M) Trinity (F) TripodxCadpig: Radar (M) Gizmo (M) Nitro (M) "Prince"xJewel: Charlotte (F) Bella (F) Rayne (F) The Lion KingKovuxKiara: Tafuta (M) Jasari (M) KopaxVitani: Chaka (M) Mheetux"Shani": Shentani (F) Duni (M) That's all I have for now.
Post by Angel on May 30, 2011 13:21:51 GMT -5
Oh yeah, forgot, I have my own pair of Kovu/Kiara cubs, although they need a serious redesign (and new names) before I can do anything with them.
Post by Sapphire on May 30, 2011 13:45:30 GMT -5
Here's minee 101 DalmatiansLuckyXTwo-Tone (Angst! and regular) Cassandra(F) Fantine(F) Toni(F) RollyXDanielleCarmel(F) BusterXTwo-ToneThalia(F) MoochXPepperPaprika(F) LuckyXRebeccaErzulie(F) DipstickXRebeccaAphrodite(F) and I think that's all...