Post by Mizan on Nov 3, 2011 14:38:22 GMT -5
As in .. your lovechildren of the official characters. Who would you pair up? ^^ list your couples (hypothetical or otherwise) here!
Off the top of my head I think of ClaudiusxCinna, and DesdemonaxMercutio... (maybe)
Post by twotone on Nov 3, 2011 14:39:20 GMT -5
KionaXLucky jr and KickstandXBeyonca ^^
Post by Angel on Nov 3, 2011 15:32:31 GMT -5
DanAce and Tallos are my two favourites - I swear the fact that they involve my characters doesn't have too much to do with that - , but I'm rather fond of Tex's Kicknique too. The dynamic between those two... wonderful XD Aside from the first two, though, I haven't really thought much about pairing off any of my next-gens. Although now that I think about it, I kinda like the idea of Spaghetti and Scout being a couple, at least hypothetically.
Post by Blaze on Nov 3, 2011 16:28:53 GMT -5
CLAUDIUS/BUCKET!!! ...Haha, sorry about that. XD The only second gen pairing I've made is Radar/Emerald, and the fact that they're both my characters doesn't add anymore excitement.
Post by Mizan on Nov 3, 2011 17:48:27 GMT -5
-le gasp- Lyra, I never thought about that! 8O ClaudiusxBucket could so work out!! NEW OTP!! <333 xDDD
Post by Blaze on Nov 3, 2011 19:07:24 GMT -5
LOL yay! Must add to my favorite pairings list! *runs off to change sig*
Post by Patchy on Nov 3, 2011 23:54:45 GMT -5
i don't really have any yet. But i am sure i will find some
Post by Sapphire on Nov 4, 2011 15:23:45 GMT -5
Toshindi, MoniqueXKickstand, TallyXEros, DanaeXAce
Post by Kitexa on Nov 4, 2011 16:12:23 GMT -5
Toshindi Kicknique (though Kickyonca is cute too :3) Tallos Danace Val/Danae Kickstand/Danae Ottie/Des Cupid/Nirna Thunder/Felice Milliago Siggy/Millie ROMEOxJULIETTE <3 <3 <3
basically every pairing you see in my universe, except for Val/Danae (since they're siblings in the angst!verse and could only be paired up if they weren't, and Kickstand/Danae, since as much as I COULD pair them together, I'm too in love with Kicknique to ever break them up X3)
MrithixSafi (TLK)
JamesxEmily (X-Men)
JamesxVivian (X-Men--if James were evil or Viv became good XD;; )
Post by twotone on Nov 6, 2011 0:15:07 GMT -5
ClaudiusXBucket? lol omg that would be hillarious to see, poor Claude but this is too good to pass up.
Post by Patchy on Nov 6, 2011 0:19:37 GMT -5
mine are naruto ones but they are next gens
Ikusa (Kitexas) X Masumi(InoCho daughter) Yorihasu X Usagi Maiko X Tamaki (in me and Kitexa's Aus)
Post by Kitexa on Nov 6, 2011 0:21:59 GMT -5
mine are naruto ones but they are next gens Ikusa (Kitexas) X Masumi(InoCho daughter) Yorihasu X Usagi Maiko X Tamaki (in me and Kitexa's Aus) Omg yes our naruto ships!!
Post by Patchy on Nov 6, 2011 1:40:31 GMT -5
XD they are the only next gen shipping i have
Post by Kitexa on Nov 6, 2011 1:45:18 GMT -5
XD Even so, they ARE cute
Post by Patchy on Nov 6, 2011 1:49:19 GMT -5
^>^ i figured you would remember them