Post by ZeeStitch on Nov 29, 2012 22:53:06 GMT -5
"Hey Stitch, wasn't that the name of your failed-" "Shut up everyone, shut up >.<"
LOL Anyway, yeah I did get the idea from the Pony site I created a while ago. I loved Fenrir so much I had to keep him so here is my AU summary. I'll list the characters in the 1st post then my AU in the second.
Mane 6 Kids Eris – Twilight X Discord Apple Shine – Applejack X Prince Blueblood Cesare – Rarity X Fancy Pants Static Spice – Rainbow Dash X Braeburn Rodeo Rose – Rainbow Dash X Braeburn Beachy Keen – Pinkie Pie X Surfn’ Turf Pocket Watch - Twilight X The Doctor
School Age Kids Scooter – Scootaloo X Snails Apple Butter– Apple Bloom X Lickity Split Apple Cinnamon – Apple Bloom X Lickity Split Ruby Red – Sweetie Belle X Spike
Other Pony’s Kids Morpheus – Shining Armor X Queen Chrysalis Ever Glow – Princess Cadance X Shining Armor Apple Core – Big Mac X Zecora Zahria “Zee” – Big Mac X Zecora Parle Vous – Fleur De Lis X Flim Candy Cloud - Soarin’ X Derpy Hooves
Post by ZeeStitch on Nov 29, 2012 22:53:26 GMT -5
MLP FiM: Wolfsbane 1: Zecora’s hut is destroyed in a rogue hurricane and she takes ill. The Apples take her in while Big Macintosh repairs her home. He and Zecora grow close to each other and finally fall in love. They announce they are getting married. 2: A changlincorn shows up on Shining Armor and Princess Cadance’s doorstep. Cadance stops Armor from chucking the baby down the nearest well and takes him in as her own, naming him Morpheus. It takes Armor a bit but soon he warms up to his son. At the same time, Cadance discovers that she is pregnant. Twilight becomes pregnant through unknown means. Celestia explains her magic could have gone haywire during the storm which resulted in a baby. Twilight and her friends take this as a blessing and start to prepare for the baby’s arrival. Zecora & Big Mac have twins, Zahria and Apple Core. 3: The baby arrives and it’s a monster; Discord’s daughter. Twilight freaks out and rejects the child at first but comes back to raise her, naming her Eris. She shuts herself up in her library and doesn’t come out. Her friends bring her food and stuff for Eris. Meanwhile the CMC’s get their cutie marks and have grown up a little. Since Spike is being pushed away from Twilight so she can wallow in her self-pity, Spike takes to hanging out with Rarity and therefore the growing Sweetie Belle. Rarity, meanwhile, is making frequent trips to Canterlot where she reunites with Fancy Pants. 4: Rainbow Dash is coming to terms with something; she’s bi and has a crush on Applejack. She begins to spend more time with her friend and Applejack invites her along to deliver another apple tree to Appleoosa. There she reunites with Braeburn whom Dash is also terribly attracted to. After a night of drunken debauchery, Dash finds she’s slept with Braeburn. Applejack couldn’t be happier and pushes the two together. Dash finds out she’s pregnant and she freaks. She takes off, leaving Braeburn heart broken. Dash feels terrible. So when she gives birth she gives up one of the foals, leaving her on her father’s doorstep. Dash takes the male with her to raise in Ponyville. Applejack doesn’t speak to Dash for a while but finally forgives her. Meanwhile, Derpy bumps headfirst into Soarin’ and the two hit it off. They get married and Derpy has a filly she names Candy Cloud. 5: Rarity and Fancy Pants get engaged around the same time that Celestia decides she’s had enough of her nephew and moves him to Ponyville to work on Sweet Apple Acres until he can get his act together. There he’s pushed hard by Applejack and Big Mac. He and Applejack start flirting with each other despite Big Mac’s disgust and they sleep together. Applejack tries to be careful but she becomes pregnant. Though the reformed Blueblood is willing to stick it out with her because he somewhat fancies her. At the same time, Rarity announces she’s pregnant as well. Pinkie Pie, meanwhile, has had her partying getting out of control. She’s afraid her friends are getting separated and so she’s taken to drinking and partying to cope. After a one night stand with a colt named Surf’n Turf, she gets pregnant. But Pinkie’s anything but careful with her pregnancy and continues to party throughout it much to the anger of Surf’n Turf. 6: All three girls give birth. Applejack and Rarity to boys (Apple Shine and Caesere) and Pinkie a girl (Beachy Keen.) Surfn’ Turf immediately takes Pinkie’s daughter from her as he’s deemed her too immature. This devastates the pony who feels her friends are breaking apart. But thankfully, they all have time for her now. Meanwhile the CMC’s get married themselves. Apple Bloom, to the popular Lickity Split. Scootaloo to Snails and Sweetie Belle to Spike who’s grown up a bit. 7: Skip ahead a bit, the kids are teens. Apple Bloom has 2 young foals, Apple Cinnamon and Apple Butter. Sweetie Belle had a daughter, Ruby Red. Scootaloo had a son, Scooter. Twilight lets her daughter Eris meet her friends’ kids for the first time and they immediately hit it off. Meanwhile Braeburn decides to visit Applejack with Rodeo Rose in tow. Rainbow Dash tries to have Static Spice avoid her but the two meet and discover they are siblings. Static grows furious with Rainbow Dash and doesn’t understand why Rodeo is mad at her as well. Rodeo explains Dash is still her mother and family so no matter what she’s going to stick by her. Static finally forgives his mother. Eris begs Twilight to stay outside with her new friends. Twilight is nervous but goes along with it and gets a job at the new Ponyville library where she meets Dr. Whooves or “the Doctor” who is still stuck in Ponyville trying to figure out what the big event is he’s supposed to help out with. The two hit it off, fall in love and get married, despite the Doctor’s apprehension. Meanwhile, a new pony joins the new version of the cutie mark crusaders, a little girl named Scribble. 8. Scribble gets her cutie mark and worries her friends won’t play with her. After some assurance from her ‘sister’ Zahria and some shenanigans, the CMC’s accept her back into their group. Scribble feels grateful to her sister and decides to find her a boyfriend because she hates hearts and hooves day. The CMC’s look for the perfect guy and find it in Prince Morpheus who’s visiting Zahria’s brother. After a whole bunch more shenanigans Zahria and Morpheus start to fall for one another. Despite Apple Core’s annoyance, the two start dating and fall in love but Zahria’s insecurity blocks them from true intimacy. Meanwhile Twilight gives birth to Eris’ little brother Pocket Watch. 9. Princess Celestia decides to hold another Grand Galloping Gala and invites all of Ponyville because they’re much more interesting than Canterlot. The kids are terribly excited. Apple Core and Zahria can’t wait to see the gardens and Morpheus. Ceseare is thrilled over schmoozing with Canterlot royalty. Apple Shine wants to sell his delicious candied apples. Eris wants to talk directly to Princess Celestia about where she belongs. Static and Rodeo want to impress and hang out with the Wonderbolts who are now an all pony show. Static is also excited about going with Candy Cloud whom he has a huge crush on. Beachy Keen can’t wait to party it up with her ‘Aunt’ Pinkie Pie. The children scramble to put together outfits. Rarity stops Cesare from saying he’ll make everyone a dress or a suit. Luna is apprehensive. She feels something evil is on the wind but Celestia doesn’t believe her. However she takes extra precaution in security. 10. The Gala has arrived and the ponies get there on time. Apple Shine heads straight for the buffet table where he sets up his appletastic treats. Candied apples of all varieties from sour to the classics. Applejack joins her friend who’ve let their children frolic. Cesare strikes up a conversation with Canterlot royalty, meeting Parle Vous, a daughter of Flim & Fluer De Lis who is hanging out with her best friend, Ever Glow, Morpheus’ sister. Static and Rodeo get into the Wonderbolt’s VIP section curtsy of Candy Cloud where Rodeo chats up a few Wonderbolts while Static dances with Candy. Beachy Keen parties it up while Zahria seeks out Morpheus while her brother is admiring the garden. Morpheus nervously asks her to go on a walk. The CMC’s spend their time exploring the castle. Eris meanwhile runs straight up to Celestia and engages in conversation. The Mane 6 are happy their children are having fun. Morpheus takes Zahria out to the garden where he presents a ring and asks her to marry him. She says yes. 11. Things seem to be going good until the lights blow out. The children all find their parents while Eris stays huddled next to Princess Celestia. Laughter is heard on the air as something appears in a cloud of smoke. It’s an alicorn sized wolf creature. The princesses look terrified. They recognize their ‘brother’ Fenrir anywhere. Twilight proceeds to fill the girls in before frantically searching for Pocket Watch who’s gone off with the CMC’s. Speaking of them, they encounter King Sombre stalking the halls to clear them of ponies. They scream and run back to the ballroom in time to see Discord, Chrysalis, Trixie and Gilda appear in the room. Fenrir explains he’s back for revenge on his ‘sisters’ and proceeds to take out Luna with one glow of his eyes. Celestia and Cadance jump forward but Fenrir takes out Cadance as well. He engages Celestia in battle and hurts her as well. In his defeating Luna her personalities split and Nightmare Moon appears while the shell of the princess lies on the ground. The girls try and use the elements of harmony but find them missing. Fenrir sicks his ‘friends’ on the girls. Twilight gets her first shot at Discord but the draconeqqus lunges at her. Eris approaches him and tries to defeat him but since she has no magic abilities she’s unable to do anything besides give him a laugh. Meanwhile Chrysalis tries to attack Shining Armor and the unconscious Cadance but like Discord is met face to face with her offspring. She talks down to him, telling the powerless youth how useless he is. Off guard by the emotional beating Chrysalis hurts him which causes Zahria, Ever Glow and Apple Core to run to his aid. The fight continues until the girls decide it’s time to flee. Twilight teleports them and anyone else she can back to Ponyville. Exhausted, she passes out. Shining Armor attempts to perform a protection spell with his own magic but fails. Ever Glow makes a magic cauldron fuelled by crystals which will create a protective shield around Ponyville. From the plains of Ponyville they can see the blackness spreading over Equestria. 12. A meeting is called. The girls think the elements of harmony won’t be enough this time to defeat Fenrir. Celestia tells the girls and the town the story of Fenrir. Once upon a time the moon and the sun came together and created two beings: Celestia and Luna. But their union was interrupted by a falling star which created a rift of darkness and from that darkness Fenrir was born. Fenrir caused destruction and death wherever he went so Luna and Celestia worked together to obliterate Fenrir. They succeeded by pulling out his heart and breaking it into pieces. The pieces were scattered about Equestria in hopes no one would ever find them. Soon the land was at peace. However, Celestia knew that someone must have gathered the pieces and released the demons.
That's all I've got so far. Other than the wedding between Morpheus and Zahria will take place and the elements of harmony will be discovered.
Post by Kitexa on Dec 2, 2012 13:32:25 GMT -5
I really like Fenrir! Very clever and a lovely nod to Norse mythology!
If I may critique though, having ALL the villains come back, I think, is too much. I think you should invent something else new (like I did in Nightmare reality--which I'll post the essence of later) or choose one or two villains to return for specific reasons other than to have their children duel them.
Post by ZeeStitch on Dec 2, 2012 18:32:58 GMT -5
Thanks! Now if I could just nail down a design for him... Good point. Now here comes the hard part; who get's the axe? Discord CAN'T or Eris wouldn't exist. Chrysalis never really was banished so she's fine. I hate Gilda and Trixie anyway, but if I axe Trixie who's gonna gather the pieces of Fenrir's heart? Rrrr decisions. King Sombre can go, I didn't like him all that much anyway XD
Post by Kitexa on Dec 2, 2012 18:43:43 GMT -5
My advice? Look into the legend surrounding the original Fenrir and draw inspiration from that
Post by ZeeStitch on Dec 2, 2012 19:22:07 GMT -5
<3 Thanks! I now have more stuff to play around with Fenrir!
Post by Kitexa on Dec 2, 2012 19:36:14 GMT -5
Welcome!! Glad it helped!!