Post by Mo on Feb 18, 2012 22:33:21 GMT -5
Yesss, I know not all bronies are freakety-freaks, but there are a lot who are. The fanbase is quite honestly like a needle in a haystack sometimes. There's good stuff there, there is... but there's so much shit as well it drowns the good stuff out sometimes. It's one of the worst fandoms out there with the Sonic, Tiwlight, Bieber, Pokemon, and general anime fandom. Just sayin'.
Post by cadpig82 on Feb 18, 2012 22:56:17 GMT -5
Okay, I respect your opinion Mo. At least you're not saying anything about me and Avenger in general. No hard feelings okay?
Post by Mo on Feb 18, 2012 23:01:28 GMT -5
Nope :3 *brofist*
Post by cadpig82 on Feb 18, 2012 23:04:26 GMT -5
yay!!!! <3 <3
Post by Rave Blitz (Avenger) on Feb 19, 2012 1:07:27 GMT -5
Post by Angel on Feb 19, 2012 2:51:39 GMT -5
101 Dalmatians: I don't know why but everyone knows I love this series. But, with all the pairing that goes on and people hating other people's couples I am kinda hating the fan base never the series itself though. That. It also bugs me that NOT A ONE of the 'serious' fanbase cares to even acknowledge Rolly or Spot's existance unless it's thrust right in their faces, and even then they just blame them for stealing the spotlight from Lucky and Two-Tone -_- I mean sure, Spot's not the greatest character ever, but you know what? If she had been dropped from the show and replaced with Two-Tone like so many seem to want, then they would have made Tones herself the klutzy comic-relief character in the main group. That would have had her fans freaking out for sure
Post by cadpig82 on Feb 19, 2012 3:52:20 GMT -5
101 Dalmatians: I don't know why but everyone knows I love this series. But, with all the pairing that goes on and people hating other people's couples I am kinda hating the fan base never the series itself though. That. It also bugs me that NOT A ONE of the 'serious' fanbase cares to even acknowledge Rolly or Spot's existance unless it's thrust right in their faces, and even then they just blame them for stealing the spotlight from Lucky and Two-Tone -_- I mean sure, Spot's not the greatest character ever, but you know what? If she had been dropped from the show and replaced with Two-Tone like so many seem to want, then they would have made Tones herself the klutzy comic-relief character in the main group. That would have had her fans freaking out for sure I never really thought too much of Spot. I am one of the serious fan bases of Cadpig (Huge shocker there right?) I don't think I ever really liked Two Tone or Lucky all that much. I accepted them. I watched them they were just "Meh". I was one of the main ones to want Spot off the show but not for Two Tone taking her place. If it were up to me Spot's role would be taken by some other Dalmatian. Take your pick out of these..... Fidget, Jewel, Blackie, Patches, Patch, etc.etc.etc. So yeah I wanted Spot off the show but never to replace her with fricken Two Tone. I mean no offense to her but she was never really my cup of tea. And I am just at the point of Boiling Hatred for her now that "SHE" has ruined her for me.
Post by Angel on Feb 19, 2012 4:11:43 GMT -5
I actually don't mind Spot XD (most of the time, at least; didn't like her The Good-bye Chick episode much) but I do wish they'd stuck with the original plan to keep Patch and Penny as major characters too, since that pair are kinda my two favourites I don't have anything against people who don't like Spot, of course, it's just the way I've observed the fanbase either flat-out pretend she never existed at all, or treat her like she's the show's secondary villain and everyone, including Lucky and co, absolutely hate her. I mean, at least you still have Cadpig acknowledge Spot and treat her as a friend, even if you don't care for her yourself And hey, like I said, if Spot had been cut, the directors would just have made one of the other pups into the 'idiotic' comedy-relief character instead, and I don't think anyone wants to see a character like Jewel or Patch ruined that way XP
Post by cadpig82 on Feb 19, 2012 4:19:08 GMT -5
They pretty much did kinda ruin Patch anyway. I mean how do you go from this: to This: I rest my case!
Post by Angel on Feb 19, 2012 5:18:30 GMT -5
Well, yeah, but at least they didn't mess up his personality (so far as we saw, at least; he never got enough screentime to prove it conclusively ) And eh, I do kinda like his series form - I just can't actually bring myself to think of him as Patch, he's just some random other patched guy in my headcanon XP
Post by Mo on Feb 19, 2012 10:53:33 GMT -5
The 101 Dalmatians fandom IS pretty stupid. >>;; That's why I don't go too far into it. I draw dalmatians, I ship things, and make next-gen kids, but that's all. I don't draw pictures of the pups in compromising positions to appeal to my fetish in all my pictures or anything, nor do I have a billion fan characters. That's just... kind of ruining a huge part of my childhood. It reminds me too much of what I did to Sonic. >.o Another fandom that bothers me: the general anime fandom. Don't get me wrong, I know there is some good anime and there are some really cool fans of it out there who aren't complete psychos. But if I had a nickle for every obsessive hormonal weaboo who spazzes over yaoi pictures (which to me is VERY cliche and plagued with dumb gender roles, but that's a subject for another time) and all they ever draw or watch or read is anime... I'd be living in Malibu in a giant mansion. And so I can dance on my sopbox even mroe: the yaoi fandom annoys the CRAP out of me. Most of the "fans" of yaoi are 12-year-olds who have just discovered it and can't shake the concept of gender roles and so OBVIOUSLY in gay relationships there's a girly uke and manly seme. They think gay pairings are the best of all and het ones can't compare, which is simply nto true-- and that's coming form the mouth of a slash/femslash fangirl. The gender roles bother me most though. Obviously, yes, in some relationships there will be a dominant one and one will always be on top. But the thing that I think is neat about gay relationships is that since it's two of the same gender they can switch around the "dominance" very easily, there doesn't have to be a set "girl" or "boy", they can take turns. That is really cool to me, it shows the two girls or guys are equals and none is more "in control" of the other and such. But these girls are too used to that idea that there has to be a girly and manly person in every relationship, and of course once they find a pairing they like they automatically assign each person the role of the girl or the dude. That's just not how it works. Like I said, there are some relationships like that, but mostly there IS no set gender role for the people in the relationship. It's just two people in love, there is no "uke" or "seme"-- it's man and man or woman and woman. I really hate gender roles in general because stupid things like this happen. BUT in short the thing about "yaoi" is that it's cliche and unrealistic. That's why I call my same-sex pairings slash and femslash, since yaoi and yuri is unbelieveably cliche and boring and UGH. ... /steps off soapbox
Post by Paws on Feb 19, 2012 10:59:52 GMT -5
Amen to this. >_o
Although I will thank you for what you said about the yaoi pairings... because now it just gives me a bit more ways to improve the relationship between Amsterdam and Dandy as well as Lilly and Roxie. xD
Post by Mo on Feb 19, 2012 11:03:37 GMT -5
*bows* 'S what I do, man. 'S what I do. X3
Post by Mo on Apr 3, 2012 12:05:05 GMT -5
Once-ler fandom. Just... Once-ler fandom. e_e
I love Oncie, I do, he's goddamn adorable and a good character. But his fangirls... oh sweet baby Jesus his FANGIRLS... I knew the moment I saw a screencap of him he would attract tartlets like shit attracts flies but... ughhhhhhh...
/fetal position Can't unsee the naughty anime blow-up pillows of my poor Oncie ;;
Post by Kitexa on Dec 6, 2012 16:40:55 GMT -5
I apologize for my bitchiness today. I'm tired. That being said I reeeeeeeeeally HATE the XMFC fanbase. I kid you not, they are just like bronies. It's all " everything is slash and nothing hurts" and just...UGH. TOO MUCH MOIRA HATE but Raven sympathy and ADKJKJSS TOO MANY OUT OF CONTEXT AUs. They're immature otaku equivalents and I am so tired of all the lacking logic. I love First Class but it's really NOT THAT GREAT. Sooo many things structurally wrong with it...and continuity. And no one cares. And I'm just going to live in a bubble where Wicked Game is canon because its all I can stand anymore without wanting to break something. Besides my new AU. But Wicked Game is still my canon.